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Luxury lifestyle

Luxury lifestyle

The sunny luxury Akamas bay, Cyprus

What means luxury lifestyle?

We say luxury lifestyle if we are having a luxury house, supercar, high services, high-quality wines, fine dining and healthy lifestyle.

Having a luxury house

Do you know what means luxury house? Is it a luxury building?
Your dream house will design new trends. But not only!!! I have been many times in Belize. Before I went to Belize, I was so excited to explore this beautiful country. Then I had a walk away from the luxury areas, and I was in shock. Dirty streets, soldiers with guns, children selling cigars, strange water going through the ocean and we had a “guide” (bodyguard) always with us. Safety is important.

Healthy lifestyle

Do you know what means a healthy lifestyle? Is it to eat healthily?
Yes, it is. But what is healthy food, products from clean areas?
Bioproducts come from clean areas. Does that mean clean areas? It was the Industrial Revolution that gave birth to environmental pollution as we know it today. If I like to eat healthily, do I have to eat food from countries with less industrial pollution? If eco and bio mean only the part of the small area which was not a pesticide, then labels with a bio from countries as Germany are not exactly clean.
Agriculture in Cyprus constituted the backbone of its economy. Still, most of the farmers are in cooperation. Especially in Polis Chrisouhous, it produces own vegetables, fruits, cheese and milk production, fresh meat from farmers( lamp, sheep, pigs and chicken).
Luxury services, fine dining and high-quality wines
You would like to have a high standard of living. You can get a luxury designed villa that would blend in with the natural beauty of the surrounding area, while also enhancing the outstanding views across the sea and national park. Cyprus Developer Cybarco

Luxury services of your dreams are including.

You have the assistant of your property- paying your communal taxes, car insurance and settle all property recovering.
You can have a personal accountant and lawyer.
Your villa has housekeeping services. We know that Cyprus is one of the most safety countries. Also, the complex has 24-hour security for your privacy.
You have in your villa private beach front, luxury swimming pools and extraordinary patio area.
You can enjoy Golf courses, Luxury yachts.
Extra luxury services are including food delivery, parties guide, personal Sommelier, personal shopper and fine dining restaurants.

Why I choose Cyprus?

I have been to many places in the world. I have chosen Cyprus. The high-quality life what I can get here is the most important for my work.
For more information: Gergana Nikolova consultant 00357/96393448

Luxury lifestyle

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